Aaron Kaplan is an actor based in NYC, ATL, and LA.
“Street Theatre”
A play written by Doric Wilson and directed by Marc Finley and Barry Childs
Set in Greenwich Village June 28, 1969, shortly before the first brick was thrown at the Stonewall Inn, Doric Wilson’s legendary satire Street Theater follows the exploits of the cruisers, drag queens, undercover cops, dykes, hippies, mobsters and bystanders (innocent and otherwise) as they catapult toward the moment that changed the course of history.
eBay Social Media
Social media videos made with DEPT for eBay.
“Character AI”
A commercial for Character AI by Loop in which Aaron Plays The Playful Poet
“Pride House”
A new play written by Chris Weikel and directed by Igor Goldin.
In the style of Kaufman & Hart: Pride House takes place during the final days of the summer of 1938 as the incomparable Beatrice Farrar is throwing a party. It's celebration and a goodbye, as her colorful collection of friends and loved ones begin their journeys back to the real world, and away from Fire Island's Pride House. As the party heats up, so do the tensions between the bohemian renters who flock to the shore to escape the heat, and the property owners who can’t quite wrap their heads around their neighbor’s apparent lack of decorum. Add in a hurricane, a live-in ex-husband, and a troupe of chorus boys, and you’ve got a hell of a day at the beach.